About Us

About the ILA

The Insolvency Lawyers’ Association

Founded in 1989, the ILA provides a forum for lawyers practising in the fields of insolvency law and restructuring practice to co-operate on matters of professional interest, to network, to share know-how, and to represent the ILA’s view to Government and to other professional bodies having an interest in insolvency law and restructuring practice. Its broad aims are to:

  • promote the role of lawyers within the insolvency profession and restructuring community generally; and
  • advance the theory and practice of insolvency administration and restructuring best practice whether in the UK or across jurisdictions.

The ILA is comprised of both barristers and solicitors who come from a variety of backgrounds in London, the regions of the United Kingdom and overseas, including chambers, specialist insolvency firms, the insolvency practice groups of larger commercial firms and in-house legal departments of financial, investment and management institutions. The ILA aims to cater for the needs of insolvency lawyers advising on matters of personal insolvency, corporate restructuring and insolvency, and cross border restructuring and insolvency, both in the UK and overseas.

To inform and assist its members, the ILA regularly publishes, by email, technical bulletins on significant and topical insolvency cases and legislation, which are prepared by the ILA’s Technical Committee. Themed bulletins are also produced by the Technical Committee on areas of particular and practical interest. The Technical Bulletins and Themed Bulletins are also archived for the benefit of members in the Know-How section of the ILA’s website.

The ILA now has  full library of online content in the webinar section, both free to members and available to purchase.  The recent unprecedented activity in our industry has resulted in many ILA bulletins, covering the key cases of the period, containing insights from those with direct knowledge of the cases in question, as well as email news items alerting Members to matters including Government announcements and secondary legislation. 2020 and 2021 have also seen a significant increase in our Technical Committee’s output on Government consultations and involvement in the development of emergency fiscal and legislative measures to address the liquidity and legal problems triggered by the economic impact of Covid -19. 

The ILA holds an Annual Conference for its members at a different venue in the spring of each year, with leading speakers from the judiciary, the Bar, solicitors’ firms and universities, dealing both with developments in black letter law and the practical implications of changes to insolvency and restructuring practice. Members again have access to the Annual Conference papers in the Conference section of the ILA’s website. The Annual Conference also provides a great opportunity for members to network informally with one another and to build professional relationships with their peers in the field.

The ILA Associates’ Network

For associate members, the ILA Associates’ Network has been established to provide a dedicated forum for junior members of the profession to network amongst themselves and with their counterparts in the accounting, banking and financial advisory professions. All associate members automatically become members of the ILA Associates Network on joining the ILA and will be notified by email of talks and events organised by the Network.

More information is available in the Membership section.

Recent Bulletins

A key service provided by the ILA is the provision of bulletins keeping its membership up-to-date with the latest developments in insolvency law.

Below are a selection of recent topics covered:

  • Consort Healthcare – restructuring plan: security for costs
  • Sian Participation – winding up petition and arbitration agreement
  • BHS - misfeasant trading: quantum decision